Monday, March 12, 2012

Respect Authority

Today we had Deputy Niehus come and talk to us for our Respect Authority petal.  He told us about his job and showed us all the stuff he has to wear and carry.  They each received a goody bag. 

Here is our troop and the Deputy! 

We made Thank You cards for the Deputy and I will take those to his office this week. 

They all worked so hard on their cards.

Here are the cards that they made.  Great job girls!  I'm sure he will appreciate all the notes of Thanks! 

As a special thank you for him coming to our meeting, we presented him with 2 boxes of GS cookies.  The Shout Outs and the Thanks-a-Lots.

This was the take home activity for today.  Today is Girl Scouts 100th birthday.  They can color the cake and light the candle (with your help of course) to celebrate Girl Scouts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Madalyn said that she had a fun time today! I love the cookies/bag. So cute!