Monday, July 9, 2012

Fourth of July parade

 We had some real troopers who marched in the heat in the Fourth of July parade.-Autumn, Claire, Addison, Lydia, Makiah, Olivia and Kaitlin.  We had plenty of water and we had a squirt bottle too which they enjoyed being sprayed.
 Here we are waiting...
 About ready to go...(we also lost 2 hands on the banner before the parade even started and a petal, which I found later on the wagon wheel)
 Here we are crossing over Hwy. 33.  We had Autumn's dad carry the American flag in the front and then we had the G.S. flag next to him.  Then we had our banner and the 2 other flags were behind the banner.  We did not carry the Brownie flag.  At the end of the parade, the girls enjoyed popsicles and received their patch.

I'd like to thank the volunteers that walked with us...Tim Spence; Autumn's dad, Julie Rehfeldt; Claire's mom, Tabitha Hansen; Addison's mom, and Linda Weiss; Makiah's grandma.

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